Relax zone

The relax area is a neutral temperature zone, an integral part of the overall wellness complex. It is a place for relaxation and rest between or after other procedures, designed to provide not only physical, but also mental relaxation.
Mandatory equipment includes:

· Comfortable and hygienic sunbeds for going to bed;

· Seating;

· Tables;

· Lamps with individual light intensity settings.

Although, most often, guests come to the relaxation area with bathrobes and already dried, you can place heated ceramic benches, loungers or armchairs borrowed from the tepidarium. They are very well received by users.
The dimmed light and the appropriate music contribute to the complete recovery of the visitors. Additional facilities such as a water wall or a fireplace enhance the feeling of relaxation and are a wonderful addition to the look of the relaxation area.
The design and functional elements may be different, but it is good to be in sync with the overall atmosphere of the SPA complex.

Be sure to include a relaxation area, when designing a wellness center. Call us and we will help you determine its location and its main parameters.