Roman bath

The Roman baths are the prototype of today's SPAs and wellness centers. They were whole complexes of pools, saunas, facilities for aromatherapy, massage, relaxation, parks and gardens and more. In them, citizens could relax, enjoy the performance of artists and musicians, move with light exercise, to strengthen their physical and mental health.

The individual rooms had their own function and names. The most important of them were:

• Caldarium - steam bath;

• Tepidarium - a place for washing and bathing;

• Frigidarium - cold room with heated pools;

• Laconium - Roman sauna and more.

The buildings were built in the typical Roman style with many arches and colonnades. Some of them still remain unattainable examples of architecture. The thick walls were of stone and bricks. They were decorated with mosaics, statues, fittings with rich ornaments. For centuries, the baths were the center of social and political life in the empire.

Do you think you need a Roman bath to complete your tourist complex or hotel? Contact us, we will be happy to help.